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Home > Petroleum coke News
Petroleum coke News
2022-10-09 13:26:47 SunSirs
According to SunSirs, the price of petroleum coke of local refiners rose slightly in the last week of September. The average price of Shandong market
2022-09-21 09:19:03 SunSirs
According to the data of SunSirs, the price of petroleum coke of local refineries rose first and then fell last week. On September 18, the
2022-09-02 10:02:17 SunSirs
Price data According to the data of SunSirs, in August, the mainstream average price of petroleum coke products from major local refiners was 4,082.50 RMB/ ton
2022-08-30 09:43:15 SunSirs
Price data According to the data of SunSirs, the price of petroleum coke from local refiners rose slightly last week. On August 28, the average price
2022-08-24 09:35:23 SunSirs
Price data According to the data of SunSirs, the price of petroleum coke from local refiners fell slightly last week. On August 21, the average price
2022-08-01 09:13:11 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data of SunSirs, the mainstream average price of petroleum coke products from major domestic refiners in July was 4,495.75 RMB/ton
2022-07-19 09:20:23 SunSirs
Price trend According to the monitoring data of SunSirs, the price of petroleum coke from local refiners continued to decline this week. The average price of
2022-07-05 11:02:46
1、 Price data According to the bulk list data of SunSirs, the price of petroleum coke of manufacturers continued to decline last week. On June 26,
2022-06-14 10:04:53 SunSirs
Price trend According to the monitoring data of SunSirs, the price of petroleum coke from local refiners continued to rise this week. The average market price
2022-04-24 09:10:41 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data from SunSirs’ bulk list, the price of petroleum coke from local refiners rose slightly on April 22. The average market
2022-04-01 15:53:32
Price data According to the bulk list data of SunSirs, the mainstream average price of petroleum coke products from major domestic refiners in March was 4251.25
2022-03-28 09:35:58 SunSirs
Price trend According to the monitoring data of SunSirs, the price of petroleum coke from local refiners rose sharply on March 25. The average market price
2021-10-08 15:36:44 SunSirs
According to the bulk list data of SunSirs, the mainstream average price of petroleum coke products of major domestic refiners in September was 2,632.50 yuan
2021-09-23 10:22:31 SunSirs
According to the bulk list data of SunSirs, the price of petroleum coke from local refiners continued to rise last week. On September 19, the
2021-09-08 15:52:09 SunSirs
According to the bulk list data of SunSirs, the price of petroleum coke of local refiners rose sharply this week. On September 6, the average
2021-08-02 13:35:29 SunSirs
According to SunSirs, the price of petroleum coke of domestic local refiners continued to rise last week. The average market price in Shandong was 2,435.75
2021-07-21 14:18:08 SunSirs
According to data from SunSirs, the price of petroleum coke products from domestic refiners rose slightly. On July 18, the average price of petroleum coke
2021-07-01 14:58:30 SunSirs
According to the data of SunSirs, the mainstream average price of petroleum coke products of major domestic refineries in June was 2,238.67 RMB/ ton at
2021-06-30 10:45:00 SunSirs
According to the data from SunSirs, the price of petroleum coke products from domestic refineries fell. On June 27, the average price of Shandong market
2021-06-23 13:55:53 SunSirs
According to the data of SunSirs, the price of petroleum coke products of domestic refineries fell slightly. The average price of Shandong market on June
11 pages in total

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