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Silica News
2022-11-08 10:56:30 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitored by SunSirs, as of November 7, the average price of domestic rubber grade superior silica was 5,650.00 RMB/ton.
2022-10-18 15:40:02 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitored by SunSirs, as of October 17, the average price of domestic superior rubber grade silica was 5,600.00 RMB/ton,
2022-09-28 08:46:44 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitored by SunSirs, as of September 27, the average price of domestic rubber-grade silica was 5,625.00 RMB/ton, down 3.02%
2022-09-08 09:07:57 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitored by SunSirs, as of September 7, the average price of domestic rubber-grade silica was 5,800.00 RMB/ton, down 2.11%
2022-07-21 15:02:39 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitored by SunSirs, as of July 21, the average price of domestic rubber-grade silica black was 6,325.00 RMB/ton, and
2022-05-27 14:18:34
According to the data monitored by the SunSirs, the average price of domestic rubber grade premium Silica was 6352.00 RMB/ton as of May 27. In
2022-05-07 08:50:10
Commodity name: latest price of Silica (May 6): 6325.00 RMB/ ton As of May 6, the mainstream price of Silica is about 6325 RMB / ton,
2022-04-18 13:31:33 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitored by SunSirs, as of April 17, the average price of domestic rubber-grade silica was 6,325.00 RMB/ton, and the overall
2022-03-18 08:48:42
Product Name:  latest price of Silica (March 17): 6300.00 yuan / ton As of March 17, the mainstream price of Silica was about 6300 yuan / ton,
2022-01-26 14:13:40 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitored by SunSirs, as of January 25, the average price of domestic rubber-grade silica was 6,875.00 RMB/ton. This week, the
2021-11-24 13:10:05 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitored by SunSirs, as of November 23, the average price of domestic rubber-grade silica was 6,875.00 RMB/ton. The silica market
2021-09-03 11:06:08 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitored by SunSirs, as of September 3, the average price of domestic rubber-grade premium silica was 5,100.00 RMB/ton. This week,
2021-07-30 14:46:29 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitored by SunSirs, as of July 29, the average price of domestic rubber-grade premium silica was 4,875.00 RMB/ton. The silica
2021-07-23 14:23:48 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitored by SunSirs, as of July 22, the average price of domestic rubber-grade premium silica was 4,875.00 RMB/ton, and the
2021-06-28 14:18:28 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitored by SunSirs, as of June 25, the average price of domestic rubber-grade premium silica was 4,733.33 RMB/ton. The downstream
2021-05-20 13:56:51 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitored by SunSirs, as of May 19, the average price of domestic rubber-grade premium silica was 4,716.67 RMB/ton. Manufacturers were
2021-05-12 14:16:01 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitored by SunSirs, as of May 11, the average price of domestic rubber-grade premium grade silica was 4,716.67 RMB/ton. The
2021-04-21 13:43:28 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitored by SunSirs, as of April 20, the average price of domestic rubber-grade premium grade silica was 4,733.33 RMB/ton. The
2021-04-14 13:41:49 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitored by SunSirs, as of April 13, the average price of domestic rubber grade high-grade silica was 4,733.33 RMB/ton. The
2021-04-07 13:46:20 SunSirs
Price trend According to the data monitored by SunSirs, as of April 6th, the average price of domestic rubber-grade premium silica was 4,716.67 RMB/ton. The silica
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