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1,3-butadiene News
2024-06-14 15:41:03 SunSirs
The self pickup price of butadiene in the East China region was based on around 13,550 RMB/ton, with a month on month increase of 150
2024-06-12 16:03:49 SunSirs
The self pickup price of butadiene in the East China region is based on around 13,300 RMB/ton, with a month on month increase of 300
2024-01-03 10:50:46
Liaoyang Petrochemical's 30000 ton/year 1,3-butadiene unit is operating steadily, with 400 tons of goods being sold through bidding for export, with a bidding price of
2023-11-07 11:19:31
The self pickup price of 1,3-butadiene in the East China region is based on around 9100 RMB/ton, a decrease of 100 RMB/ton compared to the
2023-10-13 15:42:56
In East China, the price of butadiene delivered from the spot tank is about 8100-8300 RMB/ton, up 100 RMB/ton month on month. The mainstream delivery price
2023-10-09 09:45:05 SunSirs
The spot self-delivery price of butadiene in the East China region is referenced at around 8,100 RMB/ton, a decrease of 100 RMB/ton compared to the
2023-10-07 13:36:39 SunSirs
The spot self-delivery price of butadiene in the East China region is based on 8,300-8,400 RMB/ton. The mainstream delivery price of butadiene in North China is
2023-09-05 09:35:31 SunSirs
Price trend According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, from August 28th to September 4th, the domestic butadiene market price increased from 7,618
2023-08-30 14:07:33
The 30000 ton/year butadiene plant of Liaoyang Petrochemical is operating steadily, with 290 tons of supply bidding for export and a bidding bottom price of
2023-08-09 13:56:50 SunSirs
The self-delivered price of butadiene in the East China region was based on 7,150-7,250 RMB/ton, a decrease of 250 RMB/ton compared to the previous month. The
2023-08-03 13:58:01 SunSirs
The self-delivered price of butadiene out of the tank in East China was 7,000-7,050 RMB/ton, up 25 RMB/ton month on month. The mainstream delivery price of
2023-07-07 09:26:33 SunSirs
Price trend According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, from June 29th to July 6th, the market price of butadiene in China increased
2023-06-09 14:09:52 SunSirs
Price trend According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, from June 1st to 8th, the domestic butadiene market price fell from 6,612 RMB/ton to
2023-06-08 13:53:49 SunSirs
The self delivery price of butadiene out of the tank in East China was 6,000-6,100 RMB/ton, down 50 RMB/ton month on month. The mainstream delivery price
2023-05-12 09:56:50
The self pickup price of butadiene in the East China region is based on 7900-8100 RMB/ton, a decrease of 50 RMB/ton compared to the previous
2023-05-11 09:34:02 SunSirs
The reference price for self delivery of butadiene from the tank in East China was 7800-8000 RMB/ton, a decrease of 50 RMB/ton compared to the
2023-04-24 10:37:49
If 1,3-butadiene is self picked out from the tank in the East China region, the quoted price is based on 8800-9000 RMB/ton, with a month
2023-04-07 13:30:51 SunSirs
Price trend According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the butadiene market is stagnant and organized. From March 31 to April 7, the
2023-03-23 09:29:36
The latest price of butadiene (March 20): 8691 RMB / ton, the market outlook is bearish Analysis points: On March 20, the price fell by 3.87%
2023-03-08 09:58:08
Latest price of butadiene (March 6): 9450 RMB/ton, bearish in the future Key points of analysis: the price on the 6th day fell by 2.70% compared
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