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LPG News
2021-09-07 15:29:48 SunSirs
Last week, Shandong civil gas market fluctuated and rose, with frequent but limited fluctuations during the week. According to the data monitoring of SunSirs, the
2021-09-01 15:22:00 SunSirs
In August, the domestic liquefied gas market rose first and then fell, and the overall focus still moved upward, with the price higher than that
2021-08-27 14:44:49 SunSirs
With the continuous sharp rise of international crude oil, the domestic liquefied gas market stopped falling and rebounded this week, and the price continued to
2021-08-23 14:54:54 SunSirs
After the domestic LPG continued to rise to a relatively high level, it ushered in a sharp decline last week, and the price continued to
2021-08-13 14:42:15 SunSirs
In August, the price of domestic liquefied gas continued to rise, and the price continued to rise this week. The average price of civil gas
2021-07-28 14:47:30 SunSirs
Near the end of July, the civil LPG market continued to rise, and the price still rose. According to the data monitoring of SunSirs, the
2021-07-23 14:52:06 SunSirs
Since July, the overall trend of Shandong's civil gas market shows a volatile rise. Since July 8, there have been many positive factors in the
2021-07-07 15:38:10 SunSirs
In July, affected by seasonal factors, LPG was in the off-season of traditional sales, but the rising market at the beginning of the month continued
2021-06-17 14:09:53 SunSirs
Entering this week (6.6-6.13), Shandong's civil gas market fluctuated lower. Although the fluctuation was frequent, the range was limited. According to the data monitoring of
2021-05-27 15:39:48 SunSirs
Entering this week (5.24), Shandong civil gas market will rise again within the month. According to the data of SunSirs, the average price of LNG
2021-05-27 10:38:44 SunSirs
1. Price trend According to the data monitoring of business news agency, the average price of domestic liquefied natural gas on May 24 was 3463.33 RMB/ton,
2021-05-24 16:18:23 SunSirs
After the five small holiday, the liquefied gas market did not continue the downward line at the end of April, but a rebound market, but
2021-05-17 15:45:13 SunSirs
In April, the overall LPG market in Shandong showed a trend of rising first and then falling. In the first half of the month, the
2021-04-23 09:43:04 SunSirs
Just into late April, the civil LPG market presented "slide" market, prices fell continuously. It is obvious from the trend chart that there is a
2021-04-22 09:53:04 SunSirs Just into late April, the civil LPG market presented "slide" market, prices fell continuously. It is obvious from the trend chart that there is a
2021-04-19 09:33:12 SunSirs
Price Movements According to the data monitored by the SunSirs: On April 15, the average price of domestic liquefied natural gas was 3,390 RMB / ton,
2021-04-13 16:14:49 SunSirs Entered in April, liquefied gas civil market continuous upward, prices do not stop. It can be seen from the chart that the upward range is
2021-04-08 13:49:54 SunSirs
From the end of March, China LPG market was dominated by favorable factors and entered the upward channel again. According to the data monitoring of
2021-03-29 11:23:19 SunSirs
The LPG market in Shandong began to decline continuously in mid March. Last week (3.21-3.25), it was not easy to expect the market rise, but
2021-03-11 13:24:39 SunSirs
In March, the LPG market changed its downward trend and returned to the upward trend. Shandong's civil gas market rose significantly. According to the data
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