On April 10, the benchmark price of hardwood pulp in SunSirs was 4,860.00 RMB/ton, a decrease of -4.33% compared with the beginning of this month (5,080.00 RMB/ton).
According to SunSirs Commodity Market Analysis System monitoring: the spot prices of softwood pulp and hardwood pulp are still down this week. On April 7, the average market price of softwood pulp in Shandong was 5,970 RMB/ton, a decrease of 2.45% compared with the average price of 6,120 RMB/ton on April 2. On April 7, the average market price of hardwood pulp in Shandong was 4,860 RMB/ton, a decrease of 4.33% compared with the average price of 5,080 RMB/ton on April 7.
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