On April 10, the benchmark price of phthalic anhydride in Sunsir was 8625.00 RMB/ton, which was the same as that at the beginning of this month.
According to the commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, the market price trend of o-xylene-based phthalic anhydride was temporarily stable this week. By the end of the weekend, the price of o-xylene-based phthalic anhydride was 8,625 RMB/ton, which was the same as the price at the beginning of the week of 8,625 RMB/ton, up 0.73% year-on-year. The domestic phthalic anhydride plant is running smoothly, the domestic phthalic anhydride plant is operating stably, Anhui Tongling o-xylene-based phthalic anhydride has started to ship normally, Xinyang Group’s 100,000-ton phthalic anhydride plant is operating stably, Shandong Hongxin phthalic anhydride is operating normally, and the current domestic phthalic anhydride operating rate is about 60% , the supply of goods is normal, the situation of phthalic anhydride shipments is normal, and the market of phthalic anhydride is temporarily stable.
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