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SunSirs: In Early April, the Silicone DMC Market Continued Its Downward Trend (April 1-12)
April 13 2023 10:35:46SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to the monitoring data of SunSirs, as of April 12, 2023, the reference price of the domestic silicone DMC market was 15,240 RMB/ton, which was 420 RMB/ton lower than the reference price of the silicone DMC on April 1, 2023 (15,760 RMB/ton), with a decline of 3.30%.

Analysis review

From the data monitoring chart of SunSirs, it can be seen that in early April (4.1-4.12), the domestic silicone DMC market continued the decline at the end of March overall, and the overall market focus continued to move downwards. At the beginning of April, the domestic silicone DMC market experienced a brief upward trend. The low level of the previous market brought certain downstream stock demand, and the organic silicon market demand experienced a slight improvement in stages. Therefore, in April, some individual factories in Shandong region raised the price of silicone DMC, while most other factories maintained the previous price. However, downstream demand had always affected the trend of the silicone DMC market. After the completion of the early stock preparation, the overall market demand was still weak, and the silicone DMC market was once again falling into decline. As of April 12, the domestic silicone DMC market price was around 15,000-15,500 RMB/ton. Compared with the beginning of the month, the price had dropped by 300-500 RMB/ton.

Market outlook

As of the 12th, the trading atmosphere on the silicone DMC site was average, downstream wait-and-see sentiment still existed, and the overall supply side was still under slight pressure. The silicone DMC data analyst of SunSirs believes that in the short term, the domestic silicone DMC market will mainly adjust on a small scale, and the specific trend needs to pay more attention to the changes in supply and demand information.

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