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SunSirs: Cryolite Market Operated smoothly
April 20 2023 10:01:53SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the price of cryolite in Henan region was running smoothly this week. On April 18th, the average market price in Henan region was 7,825 RMB/ton, which was the same as the average price of 7,875 on April 11th, with a month on month decrease of 0.63%

Analysis review

The market for cryolite is stable and wait-and-see, and factory prices of cryolite in the market mainly stabilized. The raw material side was subject to environmental and safety requirements, and the stock was tight. Although the prices had slightly decreased in the early stage, cost support was still there. Cryolite enterprises were mainly wait-and-see, and some manufacturers adjusted according to their own shipment situation. Downstream followed up as needed, and the enterprise's shipment was relatively smooth. As of April 18, the price of cryolite in Shandong was 7,300-8,600 RMB/ton, while the price of cryolite in Henan was 7,200-8,800 RMB/ton.

The price trend of upstream fluorite had remained stable, with a slight increase. As of April 18, the average market price was around 3,075 RMB/ton, an increase of 0.23% compared to April 11's price of 3,068 RMB/ton. Mining enterprises were facing safety and environmental requirements, resulting in a serious shortage of fluorite production, and spot supply was tight. The downstream terminal industry was developing rapidly, and in the long run, demand support is good, and the fluorite market is improving.

The downstream aluminum market continued to rise, with aluminum prices around 18,880.00 RMB/ton on April 18th, an increase of 2.65% compared to 18,393.33 RMB/ton on April 11th. The terminal industry had made good progress, downstream demand increased and social inventory of electrolytic aluminum increased, the trend in aluminum prices was upward.

Market outlook

The stock of raw materials was tight, and cryolite enterprises were operating at low loads. The inventory of manufacturers was not under pressure. Upstream support for cryolite was good, and the prices of enterprises were running smoothly. Downstream followed up on demand, and the market supply and demand were relatively balanced. t is expected that the cryolite market will stabilize and sort out in the short term.

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