On May 29th, the benchmark price of ammonium chloride in SunSirs was 662.50 RMB/ton, a decrease of -23.41% compared to the beginning of this month (865.00 RMB/ton).
This week (5.22-5.29), the ammonium chloride market continued to operate weakly. According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Business Society, as of May 29th, the price of dry ammonium chloride for agricultural use in East China was 627 RMB/ton, a decrease of 7.72% from last Monday's 680 RMB/ton.
The price of raw material liquid ammonia has slightly decreased, and the cost support of ammonium chloride is relatively empty; The operating rate of Lian alkali enterprises has decreased, but the pressure on ammonium chloride supply continues to be around 8; Downstream inventory is mainly consumed, and there are few new orders in the ammonium chloride market. As of May 29th, the factory price of dry ammonium chloride for agricultural use in East China is between 600 to 650 RMB/ton.
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