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SunSirs: Trading Was Light, and PS Prices Was Falling
May 31 2023 09:40:20SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the average quotation for PS at the beginning of this month was 9,633 RMB/ton, and the average price for PS at the end of the month was 9,366 RMB/ton. The price decreased slightly by 2.77%, and a decrease of 13.00% compared to the same period last year.

Analysis review

On the 30th, mainstream brand prices excluding taxes were quoted as follows: Zhenjiang Qimei PG33 quoted 9,280 RMB/ton, Taiwan Taihua 5250 quoted 9,700 RMB/ton, Ningbo Taihua 535N quoted 8,580-8,600 RMB/ton, Shanghai SECCO 123P quoted 8,680 RMB/ton, Thai Petrochemical 150 quoted 8,820 RMB/ton, Guangzhou Petrochemical 525 quoted 8,530 RMB/ton, Hong Kong Petrochemical 1841H quoted 8,450-8,500 RMB/ton.

Petrochemical manufacturers had experienced ups and downs, and the trend of raw materials was stronger. Downstream demand was difficult to improve, and the procurement pace might slow down after buying and restocking. Merchants were mainly cautious in their operations. The mainstream price of GPPS (polyphenylene sulfide) in the East China market was between 8,150 and 9,700 RMB/ton, while the mainstream price of HIPS (polystyrene) was between 8,700 and 10,100 RMB/ton.

Market outlook

Downstream transactions in PS market were light, and it is expected that the PS (polystyrene) market may experience a volatile and weaker trend in the short term.

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