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vitamin E vitamin C vitamin A R22 News
SunSirs: Vitamin Market Was Stable in June
July 03 2023 10:15:20SunSirs(John )

Price trend

According to monitoring data from SunSirs, the domestic vitamin market stabilized at a low level in June, with most products experiencing minor adjustments at low levels. Some varieties returned to a stable state after changes, and overall trading remained weak.

According to the price monitoring of SunSirs, the price of vitamin C slightly decreased in June, with a price of 24 RMB/kg at the beginning of the month and 23.67 RMB/kg on the 30th, a monthly decrease of 1.37%. Affected by the continuous decline in demand, the market price of vitamin C had continued to decline. With the weather turning hot, there were more planned maintenance companies and a decrease in vitamin supply. Downstream demand maintained small and rigid orders, dragging the market situation. The focus of trading had fallen.

In June, the price of vitamin A slightly adjusted, with an average price of 92 RMB/kg at the beginning of the month and 91.75 RMB/kg at the end of the month, a monthly decrease of 0.27%. The mainstream market quotation was 88-92 RMB/kg, and the European market quotation was 20-24 euros/kg. The weak demand in the vitamin A market led to prices dropping to their lowest levels in recent years, with limited room for further decline.

In June, the price of vitamin E slightly adjusted, and the mainstream market price remained stable at around 74 RMB/kg. The European market offered a price of 7.4 to 7.7 euros per kilogram. Large domestic factories had suspended production for maintenance, and the vitamin E market started to stabilize in the mid June. The willingness of factories to increase prices was obvious, with downstream was mainly on demand.

Market outlook

Vitamin analysts from SunSirs believe that some vitamin prices had already bottomed out, and the upstream price reduction space was limited. The market was in the stage of finding a support point, and in the absence of obvious positive factors to boost, it is expected that most products will maintain volatility at low levels, and closely monitor market trends and changes in enterprise production in the future.

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