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Coking coal News
SunSirs: China Coking Coal Market is Weak and Volatile
July 05 2023 13:36:57SunSirs(Selena)

On July 3, the coking coal market saw a wide range of weak fluctuations, and there were rumors that the crude steel reduction policy was about to be implemented in the market. The raw materials on the market were affected, resulting in an expansion of finished product profits. The reduction was partially offset by strong policy expectations, and some coal types in the production area were replenished. Some oversold prices rebounded, and the bidding flow rate slightly increased. The total inventory of fundamentals has been slightly reduced, while the inventory of carbon elements has been significantly reduced. The balance between procurement and sales and rigid supply and demand is slightly tight. The production of coal mines on the supply side is stable, the overall output has increased, and the clearance of Mongolian coal has remained high. The demand side coke companies are slightly pessimistic and their willingness to replenish inventory is still not high. At the beginning of the month, traders were cautious in purchasing. The overall sentiment of Black is still slightly optimistic, but the low inventory strategy of the steel factory combined with the expected reduction of crude steel suppresses the willingness to purchase raw materials, and the short-term stable operation of spot expectations. The follow-up game focuses on the expected changes in crude steel reduction and stimulus policies. The market may fluctuate slightly, and even if it is high, it can still lay out mid line short orders. The game policy is weak, terminal exports are declining, and crude steel is being reduced.


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