According to the data monitored by SunSirs, the price of PVC Spot market rose in July. On July 1st, the average price of PVC in China was 5,505 RMB/ton. On July 28th, the average price was 5,796.67 RMB/ton, and the price increased by 5.3% during the month.
PVC Spot market prices rose in July. The overall market trading situation has improved, and downstream market order demand is improving. Today, the futures price broke through the high again, the confidence of the Spot market soared, and the price also rose with the high profile of futures prices. There are many downstream inquiries, but the actual transaction is still relatively cautious, mainly on demand.
On July 27th, international crude oil futures rose. The settlement price of the main contract for WTI crude oil futures in the United States was $80.09 per barrel, an increase of $1.31 or 1.7%. The settlement price of the Brent crude oil futures main contract was $83.79 per barrel, an increase of $1.23 or 1.5%. The WTI has broken below $80 for the first time in three months, mainly due to supply tightening caused by OPEC+ production cuts in oil producing countries, coupled with bullish expectations of increased Chinese demand.
In terms of calcium carbide, according to the commodity analysis system of SunSirs, the factory price of calcium carbide in the northwest region first fell and then increased in July. The overall price increased. On June 1st, the average price of calcium carbide was 2,883.33 RMB/ton, while on July 28th, the average price was 2,933.33 RMB/ton, an increase of 1.73%. At present, the price of raw material blue charcoal has stabilized at a low level, with average cost support. The downstream PVC market has slightly increased, and downstream demand has increased. It is expected that in the short term, the price of calcium carbide in the northwest region will temporarily stabilize and consolidate.
SunSirs PVC analysts believe that the price of PVC Spot market rose sharply this month, and the price of upstream calcium carbide rose. The support is acceptable. In addition, the current market demand side performance is improving, so the confidence of the two cities is good. It is expected that in the short term, the PVC Spot market is on the strong side.
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