Trade name: Isobutyraldehyde
Latest price (August 1st): 7,900.00 RMB/ton
Analysis review
On August 1, the price of domestic isobutyraldehyde market rose slightly, 233.33 RMB/ton higher than that on July 31, up 3.04%, and up 8.22% year-on-year.
The price of raw material propylene had slightly increased, with good cost support. The downstream market of neopentyl glycol rose slightly, and downstream customers became more active in purchasing isobutyraldehyde. The trading of isobutyraldehyde market improved, and the market price rose in shock.
Market outlook
In the future, it is expected that the domestic isobutyraldehyde market price will rise in shock, mainly finishing. The average market price is around 8,000 RMB/ton.
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