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SunSirs: Malaysia's Natural Rubber Production increased 3.8% Year-on-year in the Second Quarter
August 10 2023 09:53:15SunSirs(Selena)

According to the Malaysian Bureau of Statistics on August 8th, the export volume of natural rubber in June 2023 decreased by 16.7% year-on-year to 48,857 tons, an increase of 31.8% month on month. 50.6% of them are exported to China, followed by 7.8% from Germany, 4.9% from the United States, 3.1% from Pakistan, and 2.5% from Iran.

The import volume of Malaysia's natural rubber in June was 48,031 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 43.5% and a month on month decrease of 21%. Standard rubber, concentrated latex, and other shapes of natural rubber are the main import categories, and their main import sources are Thailand, Côted'Ivoire, the Philippines, Myanmar, etc.

The total monitored production of Tianjiao in June was 29,867 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 3.9% and a month on month increase of 23.8%. Among them, small plantation production accounts for 85.9%, and state-owned plantation production accounts for 14.1%.

In the second quarter, the country's natural rubber production decreased by 7.6% from 83,848 tons in the first quarter to 77,453 tons, an increase of 3.8% from 74,635 tons in the same period of 2022.

In June, Malaysia's natural rubber inventory was 159,742 tons, a decrease of 5.4% month on month and 44.3% year-on-year. Among them, 88.8% of inventory is concentrated in the hands of rubber processors, with downstream terminal inventory accounting for 11.1% and large plantation main inventory accounting for 0.2%.

In June, the total domestic consumption of natural rubber decreased by 30.8% year-on-year to 25,120 tons, a decrease of 3.8% month on month. The latex glove industry remains the main force in Malaysia's rubber consumption, accounting for 70.6% of the total, 8.6% for tires and hoses, 9.3% for rubber lines, and 11.5% for other industries.


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