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Petroleum coke News
SunSirs: Energy, Prices of Petroleum Coke in Chinese Different Regions on February 6
February 07 2020 10:24:33SunSirs(Selena)

The Market Prices of petroleum coke were mainly stable on February 6.

Zhenghe petrochemical petroleum coke: 960 RMB/ ton, up 30 RMB/ ton, sulfur content < 4.0%, ash content 0.3%, volatile content 10%, water deduction 5%, daily output about 500 tons.

Huaxing Petrochemical Petroleum Coke: 950 RMB/ ton, sulfur content 3.0-3.5%, ash 0.3%, volatile 10%, water 5%, delayed coking unit 1.2 million tons/ year.

Petroleum coke of Shandong Hengyuan Petrochemical Co., Ltd.: 1200 RMB/ ton, sulfur 1.2%, ash 0.2-0.3%, volatile 12%, water 5%, vanadium< 100ppm. At present, there are 1 million tons of coking units, with a daily output of about 800 tons.

Changyi petrochemical petroleum coke: 950 RMB/ ton, sulfur content: about 3.5%, ash content: 0.3%, volatile content: 10%, water deduction: 5%, delayed coking unit: 1.2 million tons/ year, daily output: about 700 tons.

Dongming Petrochemical Petroleum Coke 3#B: 810 RMB/ ton, sulfur content: 2.9%, ash content: 0.3%, volatile content: about 10%, water deduction: 5%; 3#C quotation: 810 RMB/ ton. At present, there are 1 million tons and 1.6 million tons of coking units, with an annual output of 750,000 tons.

Jiangsu Xinhai Petrochemical Petroleum Coke 4#A: 850 RMB/ ton, with a daily output of about 900 tons.


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