Price trend
The propylene oxide market had risen this week. According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of August 11th, the average price of propylene oxide from enterprises was 9,625.00 RMB/ton, an increase of 0.52% compared to Monday's price. On August 11th, the mainstream quotation in the Shandong propylene oxide market was around 9,300-9,450 RMB/ton.
Analysis review
Cost side: Recently, the price of raw material propylene narrowly sorted out. According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, on August 10th, the reference price of propylene was 6,708.25 RMB/ton, a decrease of 0.07% compared to August 1st (6,713.25 RMB/ton). The price of raw material liquid chlorine had risen, and the cost support for the propylene oxide market was strengthened.
Supply and demand side: There were individual fluctuations in the supply side devices, and factory shipments were good. The initial inventory pressure had been alleviated, and downstream waited and saw and followed up to purchase. The supply and demand side supported the price increase of propylene oxide.
Market outlook
According to propylene oxide analysts from SunSirs, as of August 11th, cost and supply support still existed. As prices rose, the cautious wait-and-see mentality of the demand side had increased. It is expected that the propylene oxide market may consolidate in the short term, and more attention needs to be paid to market news guidance.
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