Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the average market price on August 17th was 3,816.67 RMB/ton, an increase of 6.51% compared to the previous working day of 3,583.33 RMB/ton.
Analysis review
The domestic acetic acid market continued to be stronger and upward, with manufacturers raising their prices by 200 RMB/ton. Some domestic acetic acid plants had been shut down, and maintained their initial load, manufacturers had low inventory and mainly executed long contracts. The supply of goods in the market was tight, and some holders were reluctant to sell, pushing up prices. At the same time, the bidding prices of major manufacturers in the northwest continued to rise, while other regions had followed suit. The trend of acetic acid prices had significantly increased.
Market outlook
The supply support was strong, and the market had a clear intention to support prices. At the same time, the sentiment of buying up or not buying down also affected, and it is expected that the short-term acetic acid market will continue to run stronger.
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