Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the average price of domestic ammonium sulfate market was 1,130 RMB/ton on October 7th, and 1,126 RMB/ton on October 13th. This week, the domestic ammonium sulfate market price fell by 0.29%.
Analysis review
The domestic ammonium sulfate market price had slightly decreased this week. The international market fell, while the domestic urea price fell, which had negatively impacted the ammonium sulfate market. Downstream and dealers were mainly wait-and-see, and their enthusiasm for purchasing goods had weakened. Downstream compound fertilizer enterprises had reduced operating rates and reduced demand for ammonium sulfate procurement. As of October 13th, the mainstream market quotation for coking grade ammonium sulfate in Hebei Province was around 1,070 RMB/ton. The mainstream factory quotation for CPL grade ammonium sulfate in Shandong was around 1,130-1,170 RMB/ton.
Market outlook
Analysts from SunSirs believe that recently, the price of ammonium sulfate slightly adjusted, and downstream and dealer procurement enthusiasm was not high. As of the 13th, there was currently no positive news in the market, and it is expected that the price of ammonium sulfate will be weaker in the short term, with consolidation being the main focus.
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