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SunSirs: In October, the Silicone DMC Market Fell First and Then Rose
October 30 2023 14:17:21SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to monitoring data from SunSirs, as of October 27, 2023, the domestic market price of silicone DMC was referenced at 14,760 RMB/ton. Compared with October 1 (silicone DMC reference 14,860 RMB/ton), the price was reduced by 100 RMB/ton, a decrease of 0.67%.

Analysis review

From the data monitoring chart of SunSirs, it can be seen that in October, the overall domestic silicone DMC market showed a "first decline followed by an increase" trend. In early October, after the end of the National Day holiday, the overall performance of the domestic silicone DMC market was weak and declining. The trading atmosphere on the silicone DMC market was cold, downstream demand was exhausted, and new orders were few. The supply of silicone DMC was under pressure, and the supply-demand contradiction continued to intensify. As a result, the market price of silicone DMC was continuously downward adjusted. On October 15th, the reference price of silicone DMC was 14,540 RMB/ton, a decrease of 2.15% in the first half of the month.

In late October, silicone DMC downstream restocked on dips, and some large factories' shipment performance improved. The sentiment of reluctance at low prices on the market gradually rose. After the downstream demand received a phased boost, the silicone DMC market finally experienced a rebound, and the market price center continued to shift upward. On October 27th, the silicone DMC market price was referenced around 14,600-14,900 RMB/ton, with a 1.51% increase in the later stage.

Market outlook

As of October 27th, the trading atmosphere in the silicone DMC market was mild, and after the continuous price correction, although the wait-and-see sentiment on the market gradually increased, due to the long order schedule of leading factories, the market remained relatively high in price and spot circulation was still tight. As of October 27th, the overall order acceptance performance of factories was still relatively smooth. Therefore, according to the silicone DMC data analyst of SunSirs, in the short term, the domestic silicone DMC market is mainly stable and stronger.

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