Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the average market price on December 4th was 3,650 RMB/ton, an increase of 9.77% compared to the previous working day's 3,325 RMB/ton.
Analysis review
Last weekend, the acetic acid factory saw a significant increase, and the acetic acid quotation continued to rise on the 4th. This was mainly due to frequent supply side acetic acid plant failures, on-site parking or negative pressure reduction, resulting in low factory inventory and bullish manufacturer quotations. At the same time, downstream production was stable, and demand for acetic acid was positive. The market trading atmosphere was positive, and acetic acid companies shipped smoothly. The market had a strong upward trend, with a strong intention to push up acetic acid prices.
Market outlook
In the future, there is positive support from the supply and demand side, and the acetic acid market will continue to operate to be stronger in the short term.
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