The average price of east China rapeseed meal was 2300 RMB/ton on February 27, up 0.29% compared with the average price of 2293 RMB/ton on the previous day.
On 27 February, Fujian, Xiamen Zhonghe package rapeseed meal is 2250 RMB/ton, 20 RMB/ton higher than the previous day. Shanghai area, Canada bulk grain rapeseed, Shanghai is 2230 RMB/ton. The price is 10 RMB/ton higher than the previous day. Hunan, Canada bulk grain rapeseed, Yueyang is 2350 RMB/ton. The price is 20 RMB/ton higher than the day before. Jiangsu region, Dubai 38% bulk meal, in Nantong is 2290 RMB/ton (package +50). The price is the same as the previous day. Zhonggu Biliu is 2350 RMB/ton. The price is the same as the previous day. At present, domestic rapeseed stocks are low, supporting rapeseed prices. American bean price rises, supporting meal kind of market price. The rapeseed meal price rises slightly.
Domestic rapeseed is in a period of bad time, supporting domestic rapeseed prices. Aquaculture is a low season and affected by the epidemic, logistics flow. Therefore, there is limited market demand for vegetable meal, which put pressure on the price of rapeseed meal.
Market forecasting aspect, SunSirs rapeseed meal analysts expect that rapeseed meal prices may be volatily adjusted.
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