Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the average price of domestic ammonium sulfate market was 886 RMB/ton on March 8th, and 850 RMB/ton on March 14th. This week, the price of domestic ammonium sulfate market had decreased by 4.14%.
Analysis review
The domestic ammonium sulfate market price had fallen this week. As of March 14th, the trading volume in the ammonium sulfate market was sluggish, and downstream purchases were in demand. There was a resistance to high prices and many transactions were made at low prices. The export market was not good, which was bearish for the domestic market. Manufacturers and distributors wee clearly bearish. As of March 14th, the mainstream ex factory quotation for coking grade ammonium sulfate in Shandong region was around 795 RMB/ton. The mainstream ex factory quotation for CPL grade ammonium sulfate in Shandong region was around 850-890 RMB/ton.
Market outlook
According to analysts from SunSirs, the price trend of ammonium sulfate had been sluggish recently. The market demand was weak and transaction atmosphere was poor. As of March 14th, there was no positive news, and it is expected that the domestic ammonium sulfate price will continue to decline weakly in the short term.
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