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SunSirs: Fundamental Was Consolidated, and the Trend of Calcium Chloride Market Stabilized
March 25 2024 11:52:40SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to the Commodity Analysis System of SunSirs, the price of calcium chloride fell first and then rose this week. As of March 22, the market average price of 94% anhydrous calcium chloride was 1,357 RMB/ton, which WAs stable compared to the price on March 4.

Analysis review

According to the commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, cement in East China had recently experienced a weak decline, and market demand had recovered slowly. Downstream weak demand had a pessimistic impact on market prices, with flexible selling prices.

Overall, the trading atmosphere in the market was poor, the renewal period was relatively weak, and a small number of suppliers were reducing prices to promote orders. When the number of orders in hand increased, the price was once again restored to its original level. This belonged to exchanging prices for orders. Although it had a slight impact on the price trend, the overall level remains stable and was not representative.

Market outlook

From the market situation, it is expected that there will be no significant optimistic performance in the calcium chloride market next week. This is mainly because the demand side has not shown a significant incremental trend. In this situation, it is expected that the price of calcium chloride will remain stable.

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