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SunSirs: The Supply and Demand of Sodium Acetate Were Mutually Balanced, and the Market Was Fluctuating
April 03 2024 14:30:27SunSirs(John)

Price trend

Entering April, the rapid rebound in the price of liquid sodium acetate in the early stage slowed down and was replaced by a volatile trend. Due to the mutual balance between supply and demand, the stalemate in the supply and demand game of sodium acetate market had become prominent, followed by a volatile trend.

According to the commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, liquid sodium acetate was priced at 828 RMB/ton on April 2, 2024, an increase of 16 RMB/ton compared to 812 RMB/ton on March 1.

Analysis review

From the perspective of raw materials, the overall price of soda ash in March was weak, and the downstream glass spot market continued to decline. The spot price of glass continued to be under pressure. The supply of glass had reached a historic high. Weakened support for the price of soda ash. Subsequently, it affected the price of sodium acetate.

From the demand side, the recent announcement of the winning bid for the procurement of sodium acetate for the 2024 PPP commissioned operation project of sewage treatment and recycling facilities in the main urban area of Huai'an City indicated that local sewage treatment demand still posed a favorable factor for the sodium acetate market.

Market outlook

Sodium Acetate Data Analysts from SunSirs believe that based on a comprehensive analysis of supply and demand, sodium acetate raw materials are expected to hit bottom and rebound. Coupled with rising demand, the focus of the sodium acetate market will remain stable in the future, with narrow consolidation as the main trend.

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