Price trend
According to the commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, as of April 3rd, the benchmark price of SunSirs titanium sponge was 54,750.00 RMB/ton, which was the same as the beginning of this month.
Analysis review
The market price of terminal raw material titanium ore was high and firm, and the domestic price of 46 grade 10 titanium concentrate, excluding tax, was around 2,300-2,350 RMB/ton. Spot prices were tight, and the market was strong on the market. The downstream titanium material market demand was stable, and titanium sponge shipments were normal.
Market outlook
According to analysts from SunSirs Titanium sponge, the titanium sponge market is expected to maintain stable operation in the near future. More attention should be paid to market news guidelines.
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