Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the average price of domestic ammonium sulfate market was 796 RMB/ton on April 15th, and 790 RMB/ton on April 19th. This week, the price of domestic ammonium sulfate market had decreased by 0.84%.
Analysis review
This week, the domestic ammonium sulfate market price slightly declined. Downstream compound fertilizer enterprises mainly focused on procurement in demand, and the trading atmosphere was flat. The export market was still weak and difficult to improve in the short term. This week, urea prices had risen, but after the increase, the market had a resistance to high prices, and new transactions were limited, which had a certain impact on ammonium sulfate. As of April 19th, the mainstream ex factory quotation for coking grade ammonium sulfate in Hebei region was around 750-790 RMB/ton. The mainstream ex factory quotation for CPL grade ammonium sulfate in Shandong region was around 790-810 RMB/ton.
Market outlook
According to analysts from SunSirs, the price of ammonium sulfate had slightly fallen recently. The export market was sluggish, and there was temporarily no positive news in the market due to downstream demand for procurement. It is expected that in the short term, the domestic ammonium sulfate price will mainly consolidate and operate within a narrow range.
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