According to the bulk list data from SunSirs, the domestic PC market was positive last week, with many brands experiencing an increase in spot prices. As of April 26th, the benchmark price for the mixed PC of SunSirs was around 16,300 RMB/ton, a decrease of +0.72% compared to April 19th.
In terms of raw materials, the price of bisphenol A increased significantly last week. The raw material phenol and acetone have shown a broad upward trend, while bisphenol A has passively followed suit. At the same time, many downstream products have increased in price. The post holiday production and maintenance of domestic bisphenol A plants coexist, with a lot of uncertainty. The short-term market fluctuations are limited, and it is expected that the bisphenol A market will fluctuate at high levels in the short term.
In terms of supply: Last week, the overall operating rate of domestic PC remained stable, with an industry average operating rate of around 78%. At the end of the month, two maintenance plans were delayed, and some manufacturers had the possibility of resuming work. In addition, the production of Hengli's new equipment increased on-site supply, resulting in overall abundant supply and weakened support for the PC supply side.
In terms of demand: Recently, PC consumption has taken on the previous weak pattern, with the main logic leaning towards maintaining production and digesting inventory for just needs. Downstream enterprises have poor stocking enthusiasm, with no increase in pre holiday stocking and weak demand. Buyers have some resistance to high priced sources, and the demand side has poor support for spot prices.
The PC market rose last week. Upstream bisphenol A rose, boosting the cost side of PC. There is no change in the load of domestic polymerization plants. The demand side consumption lags behind, and the on-site trading is weak. It is expected that the PC market will mainly consolidate and operate in the future.
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