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SunSirs: The Market Price of Coke in Anyang, Henan Province in China Remained temporarily Stable on May 10
May 10 2024 16:26:32SunSirs(Selena)

The mainstream price of quasi first grade metallurgical coke (A12.5, S0.7, CSR60, MT0) in Anyang, Henan is 2,270-2,330 RMB/ton, which is temporarily stable compared to the previous trading day.

Note: This price is the ex factory spot exchange rate.

The coke market is currently operating steadily, and the profits of coke companies have improved compared to the previous period. Currently, the operating rate has increased, and downstream companies are actively replenishing inventory. However, downstream finished product prices have recently declined slightly, and steel mills are more resistant to price increases. The coke steel industry has a strong gaming mentality.


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