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SunSirs: The Lithium Hydroxide Market Was Mainly Stable (May 6-11)
May 14 2024 15:22:54SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of May 11th, the average price of industrial grade lithium hydroxide in China was 107,200.00 RMB/ton, which was basically unchanged compared to Monday's price.

Analysis review

This week, the domestic industrial grade lithium hydroxide market was mainly stable. Recently, the price of spodumene concentrate had decreased narrowly, while the price of upstream lithium carbonate had fluctuated narrowly. The cost support was slightly weak, while the supply side support was still acceptable. Downstream ternary enterprises mainly consumed inventory, and high nickel demand was average. The market transaction atmosphere was flat, and the focus of negotiations in the lithium hydroxide market was stable but weak.

Upstream lithium carbonate: According to the monitoring of the commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, on May 10th, the reference price for lithium carbonate industrial grade was 109,200.00 RMB/ton, an increase of 0.74% compared to May 1st (108,400.00 RMB/ton). After the holiday, the price of lithium carbonate remained stable and slightly increased, providing limited support for the lithium hydroxide market.

Market outlook

According to Lithium Hydroxide analysts from SunSirs, short-term cost support may be average, coupled with reduced downstream demand, resulting in a weak trading atmosphere and a strong wait-and-see atmosphere in the market. In the short term, the lithium hydroxide market may operate weakly and steadily, and more attention should be paid to market news guidance.

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