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SunSirs: On May 15th, the Market Price of Liquid Ammonia in Shandong Province Increased
May 16 2024 16:20:27SunSirs(John)

Price trend

On May 15th, the liquid ammonia market in Shandong region rose. According to the commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, the daily increase in the main production area of Shandong was 2.06%.

Analysis review

The main reason was that some equipment in the northern main production area had been repaired due to malfunctions, and the contraction of the supply surface had brought benefits. On Wednesday, major factories in Shandong and surrounding Hebei and Henan provinces generally raised prices by 50-100 RMB/ton. The market had a strong atmosphere of speculation, and dealer quotes had followed suit. Downstream urea companies were gradually shutting down, and prices were linked upwards. On May 15th, the mainstream quotation in Shandong region was between 3,100-3,300 RMB/ton.

Market outlook

The shutdown of northern liquid ammonia enterprises due to malfunctions will continue for a period of time, and the tense atmosphere of supply and demand will not change. In the later stage, it may form support for the surrounding areas. Many ammonia enterprises will mainly raise prices and chase up prices. In the short term, the ammonia market is prone to rise but difficult to fall, and attention should be paid to the resumption of work by ammonia enterprises in the later stage.

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