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SunSirs: This Week, the Domestic Glycerol Market Prices Remained Weak and Stable (May13-16)
May 17 2024 11:36:08SunSirs(John)

Price trend

This week, the domestic glycerol market prices remained weak and stable. According to the data monitoring system of SunSirs, as of May 16th, the benchmark price of glycerol in SunSirs was 4,275.00 RMB/ton, a decrease of 1.16% compared to the beginning of this month (4,325.00 RMB/ton).

Analysis review

The market price of palm oil had risen. According to data from SunSirs, as of May 16th, the benchmark price of palm oil in SunSirs was 8,020.00 RMB/ton, an increase of 0.75% compared to the beginning of this month (7,960.00 RMB/ton). On the external side, the price of glycerol was stable, with a small quantity and not many offers. The domestic downstream market demand for ECH was weak, and the purchasing atmosphere was not strong. As of May 16th, the market trading volume was insufficient and orders were limited, with a focus on wait-and-see.

Market outlook

According to glycerol data analysts from SunSirs, the market price of raw palm oil had risen, downstream demand was cold, and procurement was not active. Domestic glycerol will operate weakly and steadily in the near future. For more information, please pay attention to the dynamics of external quotation and market guidance.

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