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Chloroacetic acid News
SunSirs: Insufficient Upward Momentum, Chloroacetic Acid Stabilized after Price Increased
May 22 2024 15:49:30SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to the market analysis system of SunSirs, after experiencing a significant price increase in recent times, the upward momentum of chloroacetic acid was insufficient, and the price were stabilizing. As of May 20th, the price of chloroacetic acid was 3,308 RMB/ton, an increase of 3.05% from last week's 3,210 RMB/ton.

Analysis review


The continuous decline in inventory of acetic acid enterprises in the early stage, coupled with factors such as factory equipment failures and load reduction, had pushed up the price of acetic acid. The overall trading atmosphere in the later stage of the market showed a slight decline, with limited follow-up and price stability as the main focus.

Market outlook

The raw material acetic acid had shown strong performance in the early stage, and the cost of chloroacetic acid had increased. Enterprises were facing profit compression and were raising prices. However, the price of acetic acid had stabilized recently, and there was insufficient momentum for further increase. It is expected that chloroacetic acid will mainly consolidate in a narrow range in the short term.

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