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SunSirs: The Prices of Raw Materials Remained Stable, and the Sodium Acetate Market Was Temporarily Operating Steadily
May 23 2024 10:29:58SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to the market analysis system of SunSirs, the market for sodium acetate trihydrate had been operating steadily recently, with prices around 2,216 RMB/ton.

Analysis review

Raw material

Sodium acetate raw material soda ash had been affected by summer maintenance, resulting in a continuous decline in production, but still at a high level. Downstream glass production and sales were favorable.

In terms of raw material acetic acid: The continuous decline in inventory of acetic acid enterprises in the early stage, coupled with factors such as factory equipment failures and load reduction, had pushed up the price of acetic acid. The overall trading atmosphere in the later stage of the market showed a slight decline, with limited follow-up and price stability as the main focus.

Market outlook

There was no positive support from the raw material side, and it is expected that the sodium acetate market will operate in a volatile manner. The specific situation still depends on market supply and demand.

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