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SunSirs: The Market Price of Hexafluoropropylene Was Mainly Stable (May13-20)
May 23 2024 11:18:57SunSirs(John)

Price trend

The market price of hexafluoropropylene remained stable. The follow-up of downstream inquiries and procurement was average, and the transaction atmosphere was average. According to the data monitoring system of SunSirs, as of May 20th, the benchmark price of hexafluoropropylene in SunSirs was 35,875.00 RMB/ton, unchanged from the beginning of this month.

Analysis review

Raw material side: Recently, the domestic hydrofluoric acid price trend had remained stable, with slightly lower production of hydrofluoric acid units. There were still units waiting for market shutdown on site, and the spot supply of hydrofluoric acid had decreased. The production of anhydrous hydrofluoric acid was less than 60%. According to the data monitoring system of SunSirs, as of May 20th, the benchmark price of hydrofluoric acid in SunSirs was 11,740.00 RMB/ton, an increase of 1.03% compared to the beginning of this month (11,620.00 RMB/ton). The domestic fluorite market continued to rise. As of May 20th, the benchmark price of SunSirs fluorite was 3,793.75 RMB/ton, an increase of 3.23% compared to the beginning of this month (3,675.00 RMB/ton).

The downstream market was relatively quiet, with poor demand, maintaining purchases on deamnd.

Market outlook

SunSirs' hexafluoropropylene analyst predicts that due to the recent high cost support of hexafluoropropylene, downstream market demand was poor, and on-demand procurement was affected. It is expected that the hexafluoropropylene market will operate weakly and steadily in the near future. More attention should be paid to market news guidelines.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact SunSirs with

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