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SunSirs: This Week, the Shandong N-butanol Market Saw a Downward Trend
May 24 2024 10:36:28SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to the commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, as of May 22, 2024, the reference price of n-butanol in Shandong Province, China was 8,033 RMB/ton. Compared with May 17 (reference price of n-butanol was 8,133 RMB/ton), the price decreased by 100 RMB/ton, a decrease of 1.23%.

Analysis review

From the commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, it can be seen that this week (5.18-5.22), the overall market for n-butanol in Shandong, China, showed a downward trend. During the week, the trading atmosphere in the n-butanol market in Shandong region weakened, and downstream demand for n-butanol was average, resulting in a lack of overall selling compared to the previous period. The pace of shipments from the main factories of n-butanol had slowed down, and the overall market price had slightly adjusted downwards, with an adjustment of around 100 RMB/ton. As of May 22nd, the market price of n-butanol in Shandong region was based on around 8,000-8,100 RMB/ton.

Upstream: On May 22nd, the benchmark price of propylene for SunSirs was 6,882.60 RMB/ton, an increase of 1.21% compared to the beginning of this month (6,800.60 RMB/ton).

Market outlook

This week, the overall production capacity utilization rate of n-butanol had not changed much, and the overall supply side of the market had remained stable. The downstream demand side was mostly rigid procurement, with average support from the demand side. The n-butanol data analyst from SunSirs believes that in the short term, the domestic n-butanol market will mostly adjust narrowly, and the specific trend still needs to pay more attention to the changes in supply and demand news.

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