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SunSirs: On June 4th, the Sulfur Market in Shandong Region Operated Steadily
June 05 2024 15:10:30SunSirs(John)

Price trend

On June 4th, the mainstream price of solid sulfur for refinery enterprises in Shandong Province was around 1,050-1,110 RMB/ton; The mainstream price of liquid sulfur was between 1,050-1,150 RMB/ton, and the price was for reference only.

Analysis review

There was maintenance of sulfur refinery units in Shandong region, resulting in a decrease in market supply of goods. Some downstream factories were actively purchasing, and the market trading atmosphere had improved. Refineries had provided strong quotations based on their own inventory situation.

Market outlook

In the short term, the sulfur market will operate on a wait-and-see basis.

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