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SunSirs: Morning Forecast for Domestic Acetone Market on June 12th
June 12 2024 10:53:20SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the average market price of CPL in China on June 7th was 13,552 RMB/ton, which was a decrease of 0.55% compared to the average market price of 13,627 RMB/ton on June 3rd.

Analysis review

After the Dragon Boat Festival, the port inventory increased to more than 30000 tons, and the market supply was sufficient. The East China market fell slightly, and the traders' mentality was under pressure. From the inquiry side, the actual order volume was insufficient.

Market outlook

It is expected that acetone will remain stable today, with range fluctuations being the main trend.

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