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PA N-butanol 2-EH News
SunSirs: On June 14th, the Domestic Plasticizer Industry Chain Related Product Market Weakened and Consolidated
June 17 2024 11:40:08SunSirs(John)

Price trend

On June 14th, the domestic plasticizer industry chain related product market weakened and consolidated. On June 14th, the market for plasticizer raw material PAC fluctuated and fell, the price of 2-EH fluctuated and fell, and the price of n-butanol fluctuated and fell. Downstream PVC plastic prices were weakly consolidated.

Market outlook

The cost of raw materials for plasticizers had decreased, and the downstream market had temporarily stabilized due to fluctuations. The demand for plasticizers was average, but downstream production had decreased. The demand for plasticizers was mainly in demand, and plasticizer manufacturers were operating steadily. Overall, the downward pressure on the plasticizer market still existed, and the upward momentum was weakened.

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