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SunSirs: EVA Market slightly Declined in China
July 10 2024 14:09:59SunSirs(Selena)

Recently (July 1st to July 9th), the domestic EVA market has slightly declined. According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of July 9th, the benchmark price of EVA in China was 10,966 RMB/ton, a decrease of 2.37% from 11,233 RMB/ton on July 1st.

Recently (July 1st to July 9th), the production of EVA equipment in China has slightly decreased to around 75%. The market supply pressure has slightly eased. The overall market for raw materials ethylene and vinyl acetate remains stable with little movement, and there is still support for the cost of EVA. As of July 9th, the price of ethylene in the East China market was around 7,350 RMB/ton, while the price of vinyl acetate continued to rise slightly to around 5,850 RMB/ton due to the expected maintenance of some equipment.

From the demand side perspective, the EVA terminal industry has been operating weakly recently. Traditional downstream industries such as foam shoe materials and cables are gradually entering the off-season market, with weak support for EVA. The consumption of photovoltaic materials is average, and the overall demand for EVA is difficult to effectively boost, resulting in flat market transactions.

In the future market forecast, overall, the narrow consolidation of the raw material ethylene and vinyl acetate market still provides some support for the EVA market. The supply side of EVA has slightly eased, and the demand side has weak support for rigid demand in the short term. It is expected that the spot price of EVA will continue to be weak in the short term.


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