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SunSirs: The Acrylic Acid Market Was Stable with Some Gains (July 8-12)
July 12 2024 15:08:23SunSirs(John)

Price trend

This week, the acrylic acid market had remained stable with some gains. According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of July 12th, the average price of acrylic acid in East China was 6,575.00 RMB/ton, an increase of 0.38% compared to Monday's price.

Analysis review

Cost side

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, since July, the price of raw material propylene had fluctuated and stabilized, showing an upward trend in the past week, which had strengthened support for the acrylic acid market.

Supply and demand side:

Recently, some devices had been undergoing maintenance, leading to a decline in industry capacity utilization and a decrease in market supply, which had supported some companies to raise prices. Downstream inquiries and procurement were mainly followed up on demand, and distributors were shipping according to market conditions. The focus of negotiations in the acrylic acid market was stable with some growth.

Market outlook

The acrylic acid analyst from SunSirs believes that in the short term, cost and supply support may continue, demand performance may be average, and market transactions are mainly on demand. It is expected that the acrylic acid market will remain stable in the short term and operate in a wait-and-see manner. More attention should be paid to market news guidance.

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