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SunSirs: The Seamless Tube Market Experienced a Slight Decline This Week (July 8-12)
July 15 2024 11:18:13SunSirs(John)

Price trend

Price trend

According to data from SunSirs, the price of seamless tubes had slightly decreased this week. As of the weekend, the price of 20#, 108 * 4.5 seamless tubes was quoted at 4,507.5 RMB/ton, a decrease of 0.72% from the beginning of the week and a year-on-year decrease of 2.44%.

Analysis review

This week, steel mills' prices for tube blanks had dropped. The factory quotation for 20# hot-rolled tube billets was 3,580-4,150 RMB/ton, a decrease of 10-80 RMB/ton. The raw material prices were affected by ferrous metal futures, and the prices continued to decline recently. Market traders' quotes were temporarily mainly stable.

As of July 12th, it was still in the off-season of the market, coupled with the impact of high temperatures and rainy weather in many places, downstream construction sites were slowing down, and the overall market sentiment was low and uncertain. The management factory basically maintained normal output, while traders maintained low inventory operations, and the overall pace was lukewarm.

Market outlook

It is expected that the market price of seamless tubes will mainly fluctuate in a narrow range.

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