On March 18, the average price of rapeseed meal in east China is 2316 RMB/ton. The price is 0.29% higher than the previous day.
The price is shown as following:
On March 13, Fujian region, Xiamen Zhonghe stop quotation.
Shanghai area, bulk granular meal, Shanghai is 2280 RMB/ton. The price is 10 RMB/ton higher than the previous day.
Hunan area, bulk grain meal, Yue yang is 2380 RMB/ton. The price is 20 RMB/ton higher than the previous day.
Jiangsu region, Zhonghu Bilu is 2360 RMB /ton. The price is 20 RMB/ton higher than the previous day.
Shandong area, Qingdao area, bulk granular vegetable meal, Qingdao is 2310 RMB/ton. The price is 10 RMB/ton higher than the previous day.
Domestic rapeseed is in a period of shortage, supporting domestic rapeseed prices. Meanwhile, there is a low stock of raw rapeseed and tight market supply of meal. On the other hand, the weather is gradually warming, the domestic outbreak improved, and aquaculture feed demand may increase, supporting meal prices. Soybean meal market is strong, which bring good news for rapeseed meal market.
Market Forecasting:
SunSirs rapeseed meal analysts expect that rapeseed meal will have a strong fluctuation in the short term.
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