Price trend
According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, as of July 19th, the average price quoted by ECH enterprises was 7,875.00 RMB/ton, which was basically the same as Monday's price.
Analysis review
This week, the market for ECH remained strong and stable. This week, the price of raw material liquid chlorine has been running weakly, while the price of raw material propylene has fluctuated narrowly. The price of raw material glycerol has been steadily rising, and cost pressures still existed. The capacity utilization rate of the supply side industry had slightly increased, still below 50%. Manufacturers mainly deliver orders, and the supply side had a no pressure and price mentality. The downstream was cautious about following up on high-end prices. The focus of negotiations in the ECH market was becoming more stable, and market transactions were mainly driven by demand.
Raw material propylene:
According to the commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, on July 18th, the reference price of propylene was 7,175.75 RMB/ton, an increase of 0.6% compared to July 1st (7,133.25 RMB/ton). Recently, the price of raw material propylene had been fluctuating and consolidating, with cost support maintained.
Market outlook
In the short term, cost and supply side support may continue, and downstream followed up with small orders on demand. The market had a strong wait-and-see attitude, and it is expected that the ECH market will operate steadily on a basis of wait-and-see in the short term. More attention still needs to be paid to market news guidance.
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