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SunSirs: The Cyclohexane Market Was Operating Weakly (July 17-24)
July 25 2024 10:36:08SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to data monitored by SunSirs, as of July 24th, the average price of domestic industrial grade high-quality cyclohexane was 8,133.33 RMB/ton. The price was mainly stable, downstream demand was weak, inventory was running at a high level, and the procurement was mainly based on demand.

Analysis review

In terms of cost, the upstream pure benzene market continued to operate and consolidate at a low level, while the spot prices in the East China pure benzene market continued to consolidate at a low level. Low end prices were the main focus of transactions, and there were signs of price rebound. The price of Dongying Wanda Tianhong pure benzene had been raised by 40 RMB/ton to 8,570 RMB/ton, and the plant's approximately 20,000 ton pure benzene unit was shut down for maintenance in mid June.

Market outlook

The cyclohexane analyst from SunSirs believes that the upstream cost support was insufficient, inventory was high, and downstream demand was insufficient. It is expected that in the short term, the cyclohexane market will mainly operate weakly and steadily, with a mainstream price range of 8,200 RMB/ton.

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