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SunSirs: The Market Trend of PA in Shandong Region Stabilized on August 20th
August 21 2024 10:17:14SunSirs(John)

Price trend

On August 20th, the PA market in Shandong Province stabilized, with downstream factories maintaining their essential procurement needs. High end transactions were hindered, and the mainstream prices for on-site OX method sources were negotiated at 7,500-7,700 RMB/ton, while the mainstream prices for naphthalene method sources were negotiated at 7,200-7,300 RMB/ton.

Analysis review

The price of raw material OX was stabilizing, the downstream plasticizer market was weak and stabilizing, the operation of on-site merchants' equipment was stable, and the sales situation was average.

Market outlook

The market for PA in the future is weak and stabilizing.

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