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SunSirs: Inquiries Increased, and the Price of Ammonium Sulfate Rose (August 16-23)
August 26 2024 14:41:03SunSirs(John)

Market Overview

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the average price of ammonium sulfate in the domestic market on August 23 was 908 RMB/ton, an increase of 1.30% compared to the average price of 896 RMB/ton on August 16.

Analysis review

This week, the domestic ammonium sulfate market price first rose and then fell, with an overall price increase. This week, the operating rate of coking enterprises was relatively low, and some enterprises had limited production. The operating rate of internal level enterprises had also decreased. At the beginning of the week, market demand remained stable, downstream inquiries increased, the focus of ammonium sulfate transactions shifted upward, and prices rose. Recently, the market started to consolidate, with minor fluctuations being the main trend. As of August 23rd, the mainstream ex factory quotation for coking grade ammonium sulfate in Shandong region was around 890 RMB/ton. Domestic CPL grade ammonium sulfate, the mainstream ex factory quotation in Shandong region was around 895-950 RMB/ton.

Market outlook

An ammonium sulfate analyst from SunSirs believes that the ammonium sulfate market had been fluctuating and consolidating recently. As of August 23rd, the export market was improving and the market trading atmosphere was improving. It is expected that there is still room for growth in the domestic ammonium sulfate market after a slight consolidation in the short term.

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