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SunSirs: The Focus of the IPA Market Shifted Downwards on August 27th
August 28 2024 14:06:31SunSirs(John)

Price trend                               

On August 27th, the average market price was 7,590.00 RMB/ton, and the focus of the IPA market was downward.

Analysis review                      

In terms of upstream acetone raw materials, there was significant supply pressure, leading to a decline in market quotes. Affected the mentality of the IPA market, coupled with insufficient downstream demand follow-up, the overall trading performance of the market was poor, and the focus of on-site negotiations was still low, resulting in cautious actual market transactions. As of August 27th, the reference price in Shandong region was around 7,400-7,500 RMB/ton, and the reference price in Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions was around 7,600 RMB/ton. The reference price of IPA in southern China was around 7,700-7,800 RMB/ton.

Market outlook

It is expected that the IPA market will remain cautious in the short term, with a weak and stable operation.

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