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SunSirs: Loose Supply, Hydrogen Peroxide Market Was Weak and Declining
September 14 2024 09:05:20SunSirs(John)

Price trend

According to the data from the Commodity Market Analysis System of SunSirs, the hydrogen peroxide market has weakened and fallen this week due to loose supply. On September 9th, the average market price of hydrogen peroxide was 833 RMB/ton, and on September 13th, the average market price of hydrogen peroxide was 816 RMB/ton, a decrease of 2% in price.

Loose supply led to a decline in the hydrogen peroxide market

This week, the domestic supply of hydrogen peroxide remained loose, and the demand for terminal procurement remained stable. Negative factors suppressed the market, and the hydrogen peroxide market weakened and fell, with an overall quotation of 700-900 RMB/ton. On September 13th, the average price of hydrogen peroxide in the Shandong region was around 700-800 RMB/ton, a decrease of 50 RMB/ton. The average price of hydrogen peroxide in the Hebei region was 750 RMB/ton, which remained unchanged; The average price of hydrogen peroxide in the Anhui region was around 900 RMB/ton, and the price remained stable; The average price of hydrogen peroxide in the Fujian region was 1,100 RMB/ton, which remained stable.

Market outlook

SunSirs’ Chemical Analysts believe that by the end of September, the demand for hydrogen peroxide terminals will increase, and the future hydrogen peroxide market is expected to stop falling and rise.

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