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SunSirs: China PVC Market Maintains a Bearish Trend
September 24 2024 10:18:39SunSirs(Selena)

According to the monitoring of the commodity market analysis system of SunSirs, the PVC spot market continued to decline in the week after the holiday (9.18-20). As of Friday, the average price of SG-5 PVC carbide method in China was 5,174 RMB/ton, with a price drop of 0.65% during the week.

The post holiday PVC spot market has shown a sluggish performance, with prices maintaining pre holiday weakness. Currently, the market has not yet shaken off the downward trend. With the sluggish futures market, the spot PVC market is linked to a downward trend, coupled with loose supply and demand, increasing market shipment pressure, and dealers repeatedly hitting low points in their offers. Downstream procurement is mainly based on spot prices, with low enthusiasm for inquiry based procurement and a sluggish market atmosphere. The hanging order price is relatively low. Overall, it is still mainly driven by basic needs, and the trading atmosphere is average. As of now, the quotation range for PVC SG5 electrical aggregate in China is mostly around 5,100-5,250 RMB/ton.

In terms of calcium carbide, the domestic price of calcium carbide has been declining since July. In September, the calcium carbide market remained weak and continued to hover at the bottom. There was no significant change in prices this week. According to data monitored by SunSirs, the price of calcium carbide fell or increased by 0 this week. Overall, the trading sentiment in the calcium carbide market was pessimistic during the week, and the situation of traders receiving goods was sluggish compared to before.

The PVC analyst from SunSirs believes that there will be sufficient PVC supply in the short term, and the operating rate of manufacturers this week is generally higher than before the holiday. Both enterprise inventory and market inventory are at a high level. On the cost side, the upstream price of calcium carbide is weak, and the cost support is average. From the perspective of the futures market, the PVC futures market has shown weak performance in the later stage, which has affected the confidence of the spot market, and the spot market is generally bearish. It is expected that the PVC spot market will remain weak and volatile in the short term, and we will closely monitor changes in the news.


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